Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'm sooooo behind!

I'm having trouble getting the pictures over to this gmail account. My phone is backed up to an old Gmail account- I can't figure out how to get them over here. I'm working on it again though :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

3 months

I am not good with keeping up with this blog! It's Jaxon's fault though, he never sleeps! The little time he does sleep I try to get the house cleaned up and let the poor dog out - oh and eat and breathe!! lol. In these 3 short months, time has flown by. He is getting bigger by the day, but still a tiny thing :) He rolled over for the first time!!! He was just as shocked as I was, haha. His giggles are becoming the norm... man I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing them. I always said "I'm not going to be that mom that puts them in front of the tv" ha! Sometimes I have to pee, or 2 seconds to stuff my face- and he cries the second I walk away. One day I turned on Nick and he LOVED it. I got to brush my teeth, wash my face AND make my coffee!! Ohh, we're on to something here-- So I have found he loves Dora (maybe he will like the Latina ladies :)) and Jake the pirate on Disney. So we have a deal, he gets to watch while I get ready in the morning. It's a win, win for now. He really only likes the bright colors, I'm sure. I may be forgetting some things, but I will add them in next month's post if I did. Enjoy the pictures!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

2 month wrap up

 I accidentally clipped his nail to short :( but he was still so cute!  
 I had to lol-he doesn't like the swing, can you tell??                  

 chillen at Uncle Greg's & Aunt Alyssa's
I found my feet!
 Hi guys!

 Still got a small smile :)
such a big man already!

Wow, 2 months is already over! I hate that time is really flying by. I am enjoying every second, cherishing every moment because I already see how fast it's going to go. His gas seems to be a little better. I wasn't sure if the Gripe water was working, but I definitely see a difference when I don't give it to him! At his Jan 2nd appt he weighed 11pounds, 6 ounces and 23 inches long!! We survived vaccines -_- It was the HARDEST thing for me so far; he screamed and screamed, it was soooo sad! I really don't know how I am going to continue with them. On the bright side, his smiles are abundant and the cutest thing I have ever seen! It makes my whole day better. The best thing: the day before he turned 3 months, my mom came to pick up Lauren and said bye to him and he did a little giggle!! I wasn't sure, but the next day he did it again (for me this time!!) I cried! I guess this is motherhood- I'm going to cry at every little thing. He is getting better with being in the car seat and even letting me go on long walks once in a while. He gets so hot in there that I can only go far on cold days-and days that he feels like letting me lol. He loves looking up at the trees; every time we walk under one he looks up and stares until it's gone. Of course, so cute :) Hope you enjoy the pictures!