Monday, October 21, 2013

36 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Coconut! They are pretty heavy lol. The baby weighs about 6 pounds already!! I seriously CANNOT believe I am 36 weeks! If all goes as planned (what does with pregnancy lol) I only have 2 more weeks. You see,  Jaxon & I had a talk and he understands that I am uncomfortable and he should come out sooner. So, at 38 weeks he should be making his appearance; unless of course he forgets :) He will come when he feels like it :))
How I'm feeling: I am still doing pretty darn good! The back pain, of course, has not gone away. Put that with my aching feet, I am sure I have one hot walk going on lol. But, I am still able to do every day things. My house is clean, laundry is done and I'm still making dinner! Heck, I don't even make Gary go to the grocery store :) It's better that way, he doesn't rush me :)
Sleeping: Oh bladder, why do you do this to me?! I have slept so good almost my entire pregnancy! It is just getting worse. Although, I have found a new love of strawberry milk, so a couple of nights I had the "I don't care if I'm up all night, this milk is happening right now" attitude and had a glass before bed. It was worth it at the time!
Craving: I still don't really crave anything. I like a lot lol. I still love watermelon, but now that I bought strawberry syrup, strawberry milk is awesome. I know, it's not the best thing to drink- but it's sooo good!
Missing: I am still struggling with having to be cautious with certain things, like lifting. Or gardening. I really want to pull out the bushes in the front yard, but I can't :( Soon enough though!
Maternity clothes: Ok, I got one shirt this week. It was on clearance at Target for $5!
Wedding ring: I put it on my necklace! I am so nervous about it though. I DO NOT want to lose it & I'm so afraid I will. But at least I can have it on me. It makes me feel better knowing that I have it instead of leaving it at home.
Movement: Of course. I realized one night this week while eating dinner that I see now why these women take pictures with plates of food on their bellies! My belly isn't big enough for that, but it is so hard to sit up and eat. He has no room in there, I constantly have to lean back whenever I sit. The recliner in our house has been a good seat for me lately.
Showing: I cannot believe I still fit in to this shirt! (and it's not even a maternity shirt:) My mom will be happy to see I followed through and have it on for every picture!
Signs of labor: Braxton Hicks a couple of times this week! I am down to every week at the Dr now, so I'm sure they will be looking for the signs. OHHH eMMm GeeEE I am soooo incredibly scared! I've had a couple people say I better be excited. Don't get me wrong, I am- It's just the huge fear of the unknown! like the BIGGEST unknown for a woman who does not have children.. the excitement will come when he is here. For now, I am scared for my lady parts lol
Looking forward to: My appointment in a couple of days. The last 2 appointments have been very rushed and I was not happy. So hopefully it was just a busy couple of days for them and this week will be better.

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