Tuesday, October 1, 2013

35 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Honeydew! Isn't that pretty close to a canteloupe? Maybe he just isn't supposed to grow that much this week :) We attended the newborn class this week. Interesting to say the least. It's all stuff we could have figured out, but it was nice to have someone to ask questions. Gary changed his first diaper!! Ok, on a fake baby lol but he did great. We both learned to swaddle! All in all, it was good to go but I'm glad it wasn't expensive.
How I'm feeling: I will admit, I sure am hoping he comes early lol. I still feel bad for even complaining a little. If I've made it this far with really nothing wrong beside a little back pain & heart burn, then I'm doing pretty good! BUT my back hurts so bad! It seems like if I have an issue it will come & go- but not the back pain, it's here to stay apparently!
Sleeping: Oh this must be what everyone talks about.. sleeping less for sure. I am up peeing more. From what I hear, it's because he is now head down and has "dropped" so he's on my bladder.
Missing: Hmmm.. walking normal? lol. The pain in my back sure does make me walk funny! NOT waddling yet though!!
Maternity clothes: I am not buying anything else! At least that is what I am telling myself now lol. I'm down to one t-shirt that fits and the dresses I wear to work are definitely getting a little more "fitting" lol. But I swear he is coming early, so I really don't want to spend the money!
Wedding ring: I tried, still does not fit :(
Movement: He is a movin crazy! Maybe he will be a dancer like his dad :)
Showing: Bigger by the day. Although it's nice to go to my Dr. appts to hear "omg you're so small" I'm thinking, really??! lol. They are sweet.
Signs of labor: Not much with Braxton Hicks this week. Only one day, one time. I'm ok with that!
Looking forward to: Taking the car seat to the fire station to make sure it is installed correctly. Yes, apparently this is what life will be like from now on. I'm excited about a car seat lol.

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