Monday, October 21, 2013

Update 38- 40 weeks

So these last few weeks have been a little difficult. I really haven't felt like taking any pictures :( I am getting the normal puffiness of pregnancy-heartburn galore! I can fit into one pair of sandals!! (insert sarcastic woohoo!) I was told to officially stop working on Thursday; my blood pressure was a concern at the last visit. I have to lay on my side the majority of the day to reduce fluid retention. So since I have such a hard time sitting still in general, I've been doing one task and then laying for a little bit before doing the next thing. ( I am still technically following the rules :) I am scheduled to go back on Tuesday for a stress test for the baby. This is normal for women who go to 40 weeks, no worries! I can't believe I am at 40 weeks! The Dr. said they will induce me on the 31st if I don't have him before then. Sooo, lets hope he does come before!!!! I am so happy and feel so lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy, but I am definitely over it :(       C'MON JAXON!!

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