Thursday, December 26, 2013


Sooo, two months later I am finally logging back in and updating! As everyone knows now, he's here! I went in for my normal weekly check up and my blood pressure was still a little high. When I was leaving, the Dr. checked it one last time and it had gone up some more. BUT I had been waiting forever! What 41 week, hungry pregnant lady wants to wait forever?! I was supposed to go to lunch with Alli that day, but instead I was sent to the hospital to have a baby! wowzers was that scary and unexpected! But hey, it had to happen soon anyway, right?
Not long after I was checked in and hooked up to the monitors. I was induced and had the baby October 29, 2013 @ 12:22 p.m. He was 6 pounds 12 ounces- 19.75 inches long!
It was an easy delivery, 5 quick pushes and he was out! It really was a moment of bliss- scary too lol. I hope to have the time to put up as many pictures as possible. So far, he has been a little difficult to say the least :) he has "slight colic" per the Dr. But it's getting better, we are finding what works and getting in to some sort of routine.

Hope you enjoy what's to come :)

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