Saturday, December 28, 2013

Welcome to the world baby boy!

I hate to be one of those "oh it didn't hurt at all" women- but it wasn't that bad! Of course it wasn't a walk in the park, but it wasn't a near death experience either lol. I was induced the morning of October 28th and of course he still wasn't ready to come out! So after two "rounds" of meds, the Dr. came in to check around noon on the 29th ( I was only dilated to 1cm forever) and she said, "wow, it's time to push!" I was so in shock that I just cried out of sheer terror that I was actually having this baby!! She said don't be a wuss and push! and VERY quickly, there he was :)

 As you can see, he was a very alert newborn! The nurses kept commenting- I should have known I was in for it then! He is not a very good napper. Thankfully it isn't to bad at night. He still wakes up about every two hours to eat, but he goes right back to sleep. During the day he will only sleep on my chest. I'm really embracing this time tough; as frustrating as it is sometimes that I can't get anything done because he hates to be put down, I know I will not have this time for long. Everyone has given almost the same advice: who cares about the housework, it will get done eventually but  you will never get this time back, so enjoy it. Once I started thinking with that mindset, it made things a lot easier. Although my back feels like it's going to break, I love the closeness of holding him all day!!

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