Sunday, December 29, 2013

More random cuteness

So, I will probably have hundreds of pictures up, of course for everyone to see, but also for me to have a safe place to keep them. Here it goes! :)

 Gary tried to get some sleep while waiting forever
 Doesn't he look like a glow worm? :)
 Love this one

 2 months here! holding his head up so good!

 Showing off his muscles like daddy

 He's so tiny! 
 He loves bath time!
 They were both sleeping hard
 I just wanna kiss that face all day!
 Finally put on some meat!!
 Good Morning!
 First walk at 2 weeks old
 One of my fav's- yea right, how can I pick a couple. .I love them all!
 2 or 3 weeks here- I can't remember already :/
So precious <3

1 comment:

  1. These are all so dern cute!!!! Love it! I am so happy your little fmaily unit is blossoming :) XO Casey
