Thursday, September 19, 2013

34 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Canteloupe! Ok, I feel like this is going back to normal, at least I know what it is :)
How I'm feeling: Holy back pain this week!! Wow, I'm used to having back pain from a previous injury, but apparently with this hormone called Relaxin, it "relaxes" everything to prepare for childbirth and causes back pain! (omg, I just wrote to prepare for child birth... it's so close) eeek!!
Sleeping: I swear I can write something one week and the next week it's like I jinx myself and it's total opposite. I still feel like I can't really complain, I'm only getting up to pee and it's only like once or twice a night. I hear of women that are up all night. My friend Alli is 3 weeks behind me and she randomly wakes up in the middle of the night (sorry gf :( But for the most part, I sleep pretty good. Jaxon is good to me, he doesn't wake me up from moving.
Missing: Wellll, this week I have discovered that I don't fit into any of my sneakers!!! So, I have to say, I miss my normal feet :(
Maternity clothes: Nothing new.
Wedding ring: I guess I have to officially say it does not fit. It is so hard to get on & off that I just have to keep it off :( I'm so sad, it feels weird not wearing it. I feel even more weird when Gary & I go out together and he has his wedding ring on & I don't. I'm a pregnant woman walking around with a married man! lol
Movement: Oh yes, he seems to love my ribs these days. I have to lean back to sit comfortably. That makes sense though, since Gary & I are so tall, we probably have a long baby!
Showing: Yup.
Signs of labor: No labor, but Braxton Hicks started this week! I can only imagine what labor will be. These stop me in my tracks, but just for a split second. I can move through most of them. It's really just an uncomfortable feeling.
Looking forward to: The parenting class we are taking next week. I hope it will take some "fear of the unknown" feeling away. I'm excited to see how much I already know and how much I still have to learn!

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