Sunday, September 15, 2013

31 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Pineapple! I'm still not quite sure how "they" determine these pictures? Weight maybe? The appointment went great. I am a little sad though, no more ultrasounds :( It's good because I got "cervical clearance" and I don't have to worry about any issues, but bad because I got ultrasounds every two weeks! I asked if I would have any more and was told only if I go past my due date, even then they may not due one. But hey, at least I had a good 7 months of ultrasounds :)
How I'm feeling: feeling good. I really have no complaints (beside normal pregnancy complaints that Gary has to hear:)
Sleeping: Surprisingly, still really good! Maybe Jaxon just knows that I love my sleep and he wont mess with that! hahaha.. yes, I know, not going to happen.  
Craving: not really craving, but loving fruit! Still love the watermelon, but I haven't found a good one lately. Publix must be slackin on the sweet ones!
Missing: I must say, regular clothes. It seems as though there are these AMAZING deals going on and clothes are super cheap when I can't buy them! go figure :) I don't want to risk buying stuff not knowing when I will fit in them.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new, but I am noticing that the shirts I bought that were bigger and thought they would last me through the rest of my pregnancy are fitting pretty well (meaning, no room for growing) maybe the dryer shrunk them?!?!
Wedding ring: Still pretty snug, but I am still wearing it. When I'm at home I try to keep it off though, to give these sausages a break!
Movement: I can feel him all of the time.. I just wish he would make an appearance for everyone else!
Showing: I'd say so..
Signs of labor: No.. let's keep it that way for a while! I am all of a sudden panicking that time is just rushing by me and I feel like I have so much to do!
Looking forward to: 3 day weekend!

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