Sunday, September 15, 2013

32 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Bok Choy! crazier every week. It's fun though. I packed some things in my hospital bag! I'm going to wait until after the baby shower to see what I get. I've heard things like nipple cream will come in handy! lol. I did my first load of baby clothes! It was a very sweet moment for me. I'm sure I've washed Lauren's clothes as a baby, but I don't remember it. They are so small <3We also found a few more things for Jaxon's room! It's all coming together and so very exciting. We even found paint for his room! Gary has been a HUGE help with everything. He even walked through Michaels with me and picked out a few things I've been looking for!!
How I'm feeling: I feel good this week too! I haven't been too tired. I REALLY need to find the time (& energy some days) to start walking. I do my exercises in the pool, but I hear walking is really good.
Sleeping: really good. I'm nervous to keep saying that I'm sleeping so good, I don't want to jinx it! I still have a few nights that I'm up all night. But that is normal for me. I'm actually sleeping better since I've been pregnant.
Craving: Ok, before anyone goes thinking anything crazy, let me tell you how AMAZING these chocolate cookie bars are. They are Weight Watchers brand, but Casey at work had me try one and boy was she right! They are soooo good. Plus I had a coupon, with a buy one get one deal.. who could pass that up??! So, even though they are Weight Watchers brand, I am not "watching my weight"
Missing: I really can't complain :) butttttt, maybe shaving?? lol
Maternity clothes: Nothing new.
Wedding ring: Still forcing it on my fingers lol, but it fits! It's not as bad as last week.
Movement: He slowed down a bit this week, but I was super busy this weekend, so that could just be me. We got a new vanity for the bathroom (new to us) wow what a difference it makes! I actually felt him moving when I was standing at one point though. I normally only feel him while resting. I'm just hoping all this "quietness" in my belly doesn't mean he's going to be a wild child!
Showing: Ohh yes.
Signs of labor: Not yet! ohh, but it is getting close! I've read a few stories lately of women delivering healthy babies at this week. I'm not ready yet!
Looking forward to: MY BABY SHOWER!!!!! So excited. The house is almost completely decorated!

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