Monday, September 16, 2013

33 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Durian! I had to put a question mark because I had no idea what that was! We had the hospital tour this week. It was neat, but don't get lost in there.. it is huge! I was more confused lol. It definitely made it more real: I slightly panicked :) The baby shower was also this week! Thank you to everyone that came and helped us celebrate!
How I'm feeling: You know those days when you just don't feel like taking a picture?? Yea, that was this picture. I waited until the very last day of my 33 week mark right before bed. I guess I have just been tired.
Sleeping: I have been sleeping pretty good. I rarely have to get up to pee in the middle of the night!
Craving: Nothing much- I still love watermelon!
Missing: I'm pretty content with everything these days. I will admit that I am getting a little sad when getting dressed some days. We have a wedding to go to soon and I am not looking forward to it! I have to find a flattering dress and so far, I have not had any luck :( I even tried on a black dress.. and almost cried! I feel good in form fitting tank tops and shorts though, it at least shows that I am pregnant and not round!
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. I feel like it is silly to spend the money at this point.
Wedding ring: Most days I can get it on in the afternoon, but with this heat it doesn't want to come off! I've been keeping it off on the weekends, but it just feels weird to not wear it.
Movement: Oh YES! He has been going crazy in there! He had his first "hiccups" this week! I've always read about them, but he never had them until now. It was pretty cool, my belly just jumped a lot. I feel a lot of rolls in my belly, I just wish I knew what body part it is that I am feeling. The last appointment the Dr. said he was head down, so I can assume a little bit.
Showing: yes!
Signs of labor: Nope! A LOT of back pain though. I cannot believe I am already 33 weeks. I want him to come early, just not this early!
Looking forward to: Finishing his room. I will post some pictures soon. Gary has been working so hard to get it done :)

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