Sunday, December 29, 2013

2 months

Christmas eve marks 2 months! What a great present to have :) I think we are adjusting better; he is getting a little better too (or I'm getting used to it lol) Of course, gas has started, REALLY bad gas. Apparently he has colic and what I have learned is that is pretty much a term for "we don't know what the heck is wrong." It is so sad to have to watch and not be able to do anything. Per the Dr, I am giving him gas drops and gripe water. I've also cut out dairy from my diet. So far, not much relief. It is, of course, affecting his sleep. He wakes up in so much pain. But we do see some happiness from him. We got a smile!! I will post those later. All of the stressful, sleepless nights are so worth it when you see that cute, gummy grin!! Oh my, it melts us every time. So this is that indescribable feeling of parenthood everyone told us about. At his first appointment (1 week follow up) he had gained all of his weight back, plus an ounce. The second appointment he gained two pounds! I weighed him here and he was already up to 10.4 pounds. Our next appointment is January 2nd; I can't wait to see his progress. But he also gets his first round of vaccines at that visit, so I'm not to thrilled. Gary will be holding him for that. I'm a wuss!!
Speaking of being a wuss, I forgot to mention in his newborn post that he was born tongue-tied :( As a new parent, that is not something you want to hear, or see for that matter! It was so sad. But apparently it is not that big of a deal. I took him to the ENT and he had it clipped. That's where the wuss part comes in; I made Gary take time from work because I did not want to hold him while it was happening! I cried just sitting in the room waiting for the Dr! But he was fine, such a tough guy :)

 These below are my attempt by myself- Gary to the rescue lol

 I decided last minute that I will take all of the monthly pictures in his diaper, because he's cuter that way! and we will see his progress more lol. Look at that chunk that wasn't there last month! Woo hoo

More random cuteness

So, I will probably have hundreds of pictures up, of course for everyone to see, but also for me to have a safe place to keep them. Here it goes! :)

 Gary tried to get some sleep while waiting forever
 Doesn't he look like a glow worm? :)
 Love this one

 2 months here! holding his head up so good!

 Showing off his muscles like daddy

 He's so tiny! 
 He loves bath time!
 They were both sleeping hard
 I just wanna kiss that face all day!
 Finally put on some meat!!
 Good Morning!
 First walk at 2 weeks old
 One of my fav's- yea right, how can I pick a couple. .I love them all!
 2 or 3 weeks here- I can't remember already :/
So precious <3

Saturday, December 28, 2013

First smile!!

Best moment thus far!!!!!

Just some Christmas cuteness!

 I forgot about the Thanksgiving pictures!
 On every lady's wish list :)

1 month already!

So, this pictures explains pretty much the entire month lol. He has STRONGLY DISLIKED just about everything, to the point where it's just kind of funny now. Everyone says: "oh try the swing, he'll love it!" nope. "Oh, try the car seat, he'll love it!" nope. Bassinet.. nope. Crib.. nope. Bouncy chair.. nope. You get it, nothing lol. Just holding him, that's it! So we tried several times to get a decent picture with no success; then I said to Gary, let's keep this one, it will be a funny story for him when he's older. Oh two months, how I hope you treat me better :)

Professional pictures of our handsome guy