Wednesday, August 21, 2013

30 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Large Cabbage. It just looks like lettuce again! OMG it's like the count down is on now!!! 30 WEEKS! I am sooooooooo nervous. My lovely grandmother called & told me I need to get my hospital bag ready. It's getting kinda real now. I am making a list & in search of some comfy BLACK nightgowns for the hospital bag lol. I'm trying to get the baby shower decorations together this week too. I want to make sure the house looks cool :)
How I'm feeling: A little better this week :) I can definitely tell my belly is growing though! It seems to get in the way a lot now lol. I FINALLY found something to go in the baby's room! It's my fault, I am very particular with the way I want to decorate it. I found an orange rug, for only $20!
Sleeping: This week was good! Man am I happy that I got that maternity pillow. I can tuck it under my belly and pull the top of it down to wrap my arms around. I don't know how pregnant women don't get one! But I have been waking up a couple of times with those stomach muscles burning! it hurts :(
Craving: Nothing much, but still loving watermelon. I actually want some right now!
Missing: Hmm, if I had to say something, I would say getting out of bed or standing up normally. I have to roll out of bed now! haha. If I try to sit up, it feels like something is pulling & it hurtssss!
Maternity clothes: I got my Old Navy stuff in! I'm so excited, but I have to return this oh so comfy dress, it's too big.
Wedding ring: I have had to shove it on my princess Fiona fingers all week long! I'm to nervous to not wear it, what if I lose it?!
Movement: Gary felt him move so much this week!!! That was nice. He is very active at night, so when I lay on my side I always put Gary's hand on my belly just in case.
Showing: yes
Signs of labor: No, just that dang ligament pain!
Looking forward to: My next appt. I haven't had an ultrasound in a while, so hopefully they do one next Thursday!
AND- Alli's baby shower!!!!

29 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Butternut squash! I suppose these are not going to get any better lol.. I liked drawing them when they were the cute little fruits.
How I'm feeling: Good. Not great, but not bad either. I cannot believe it's August already! wow the days are flying by. Not that I ever had that much patience for people to begin with, but it was really tested.. tax free weekend.. ughh. I had to go to Wal mart of all places! So with an extra 25 pounds and this incredible heat (and annoying people).. I'm just ok this week lol.
Sleeping: You know, right when I start to think OMG I'm not sleeping, I hear other stories and I remind myself: I'm sleeping pretty darn good for being pregnant, I guess. I've never been a good sleeper, so I guess I just started blaming it on pregnancy. I actually sleep better since moving in the new house (deeper sleep) maybe its because we're not on a busy road anymore? But some nights are great, I realize in the morning that I didn't wake up once. But other days I'm up half of the night. I can't complain though, I don't wake up from the baby moving & I don't have to pee a hundred times!
Craving: Not really craving anything, but I am LOVING watermelon. It is soooo good!
Missing: Hmm.. not being out of breath from something as simple as standing too long?! I asked the Dr. He said my belly isn't that big & my uterus is growing and pushing my lungs up- giving me less room to breath!
Maternity clothes: I ordered a couple things from Old Navy. On sale of course! It's crazy how one week a shirt can be a little big, then next week it doesn't fit!
Wedding ring: A little snug... everyday now!
Movement: Ohh yesss; I've read how he's putting on weight now, so the movements are bigger.
Showing: Yup..
Signs of labor: No!
Looking forward to: Getting my new clothes in!

Monday, August 12, 2013

28 Weeks

Baby is the size of : Lettuce! Not to bad on the picture this week huh?? My sugar test went great! I'm done with all of my tests for the rest of the pregnancy.
How I'm feeling: I have been bitter Betty this week! My back hurts so bad.. laying flat used to help, but not one single position is comfortable. Now, (I have no idea how to explain this to sound normal lol) my upper stomach muscles are burning! The Dr. says it's my muscles lifting. Who knew?!
Sleeping: Eh I've had better days. I just can't get comfortable. Add in that we desperately need a new bed.. it pretty much sucks :(
Craving: Nothing much this week.
Missing: Again, bitter Betty.. just feeling normal! I really shouldn't complain, for 7 months I have felt completely normal.. but this everywhere pain.. grrr
Maternity clothes: Nothing new this week.
Wedding ring: tight! I can still put it on though, so I'm good.
Movement: Oh yes! I just wish Gary could feel him more. I'm starting to think the baby is going to be stubborn : ) Every time I tell Gary to put his hands where I feel him moving, the baby stops moving!
Showing: Uh kinda lol
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Relaxing in the pool!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

27 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Cauliflower! Weird.. but don't judge my drawing lol, that was hard! and excuse the picture, it was veryyyy late last night; I could barely smile I was so tired!
How I'm feeling: Still doing good. I've really been listening to my body this week & taking breaks... AND naps :) It has been very hard because I always feel like I can be doing something.
Sleeping: It's funny how it changes week to week. This week, pretty good! Saturday was horrible though, I woke up with some "growing" pains in the middle of the night (this is to be expected).. then of course the leg cramps started! But other than that, it was a good week.
Craving: Deans French Onion dip! I've had it twice this week.
Missing: being able to just sit up from laying down! It hit me this week.. getting up in the middle of the night is getting to be a challenge! I have to roll out of bed!!
Maternity clothes: I got some work pants this week, so I'm feeling a little better. Although I like wearing dresses, I was getting tired of them everyday.
Wedding ring: Surprisingly, this week it has felt better than it has in a while.
Movement: Oh my goodness, the last day of my "week 27" I think I finally felt him turn!! It seemed like he was sideways. My back started hurting so incredibly bad, but I was so amazed to feel so much movement that I didn't care!! He was kicking or punching like crazy. I'm excited because this is only the beginning :)
Showing: I swear it is the black shorts in this picture, but I look huge!
Signs of labor: Nope.. mild cramping, but I was told that is normal growing pains. The round ligaments stretching??
Looking forward to: I can say I am NOT looking forward to the sugar test next week, but it's always exciting to go because I get an ultrasound every time.