Wednesday, August 21, 2013

29 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Butternut squash! I suppose these are not going to get any better lol.. I liked drawing them when they were the cute little fruits.
How I'm feeling: Good. Not great, but not bad either. I cannot believe it's August already! wow the days are flying by. Not that I ever had that much patience for people to begin with, but it was really tested.. tax free weekend.. ughh. I had to go to Wal mart of all places! So with an extra 25 pounds and this incredible heat (and annoying people).. I'm just ok this week lol.
Sleeping: You know, right when I start to think OMG I'm not sleeping, I hear other stories and I remind myself: I'm sleeping pretty darn good for being pregnant, I guess. I've never been a good sleeper, so I guess I just started blaming it on pregnancy. I actually sleep better since moving in the new house (deeper sleep) maybe its because we're not on a busy road anymore? But some nights are great, I realize in the morning that I didn't wake up once. But other days I'm up half of the night. I can't complain though, I don't wake up from the baby moving & I don't have to pee a hundred times!
Craving: Not really craving anything, but I am LOVING watermelon. It is soooo good!
Missing: Hmm.. not being out of breath from something as simple as standing too long?! I asked the Dr. He said my belly isn't that big & my uterus is growing and pushing my lungs up- giving me less room to breath!
Maternity clothes: I ordered a couple things from Old Navy. On sale of course! It's crazy how one week a shirt can be a little big, then next week it doesn't fit!
Wedding ring: A little snug... everyday now!
Movement: Ohh yesss; I've read how he's putting on weight now, so the movements are bigger.
Showing: Yup..
Signs of labor: No!
Looking forward to: Getting my new clothes in!

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