Thursday, August 1, 2013

27 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Cauliflower! Weird.. but don't judge my drawing lol, that was hard! and excuse the picture, it was veryyyy late last night; I could barely smile I was so tired!
How I'm feeling: Still doing good. I've really been listening to my body this week & taking breaks... AND naps :) It has been very hard because I always feel like I can be doing something.
Sleeping: It's funny how it changes week to week. This week, pretty good! Saturday was horrible though, I woke up with some "growing" pains in the middle of the night (this is to be expected).. then of course the leg cramps started! But other than that, it was a good week.
Craving: Deans French Onion dip! I've had it twice this week.
Missing: being able to just sit up from laying down! It hit me this week.. getting up in the middle of the night is getting to be a challenge! I have to roll out of bed!!
Maternity clothes: I got some work pants this week, so I'm feeling a little better. Although I like wearing dresses, I was getting tired of them everyday.
Wedding ring: Surprisingly, this week it has felt better than it has in a while.
Movement: Oh my goodness, the last day of my "week 27" I think I finally felt him turn!! It seemed like he was sideways. My back started hurting so incredibly bad, but I was so amazed to feel so much movement that I didn't care!! He was kicking or punching like crazy. I'm excited because this is only the beginning :)
Showing: I swear it is the black shorts in this picture, but I look huge!
Signs of labor: Nope.. mild cramping, but I was told that is normal growing pains. The round ligaments stretching??
Looking forward to: I can say I am NOT looking forward to the sugar test next week, but it's always exciting to go because I get an ultrasound every time.

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