Wednesday, July 24, 2013

26 Weeks

Baby is the size of an: Eggplant! I am FINALLY caught up & on track with the blog. That's a pretty good eggplant, right? :) This was late last night, so excuse the crazy face.. I think that's the face of exhaustion lol. Oh & yes, this week the sexy maternity shorts made their debut!
How I'm feeling: Still feeling good. I've been a little more tired this week, but that's expected I guess.
Sleeping: It's ok .. not great, but not as bad as last week.
Craving: Mashed Potatoes!! I've had them 3 times this week!
Missing: pajama bottoms that fit :( even worse.. underwear! That's not something I put much thought in to. I guess this weekend will consist of work clothes & underwear shopping!
Maternity clothes: I need more!
Wedding ring: I had some tight days, but not too bad. It's definitely not as it used to be though.
Movement: He has been moving so much! but he is still tucked & facing me (if that makes sense) so no one else can feel him. I had an ultrasound this week..he is doing great! We couldn't get a good picture because he was moving so much!
Showing: oh yes.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: We got the baby's crib & dresser in! I'm looking forward to getting his room together.

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