Thursday, July 11, 2013

20 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Banana!
How I'm feeling: Great! 5 months today! Can you believe it?? Omg, half way there!! We had the "anatomy" appointment today. It was incredible!! Every single sentence will probably have an exclamation point : ) We could see the eyes and mouth.. he yawned! His legs were over his head like a yoga pose. More importantly, everything went great. He is growing perfectly! Head circumference, spine & bone growth are right on point!
Sleeping: Surprisingly well for not being in  my own bed!
Craving: Terry made biscuits & gravy.. I realized that's what I've been missing in my life : )
Missing: Well, beside the biscuits lol.. still not much.
Maternity clothes: Officially in maternity clothes for work! I am holding on to one last pair of my normal jeans, but using the rubber band trick! Hey, they still fit!
Wedding ring: All good.
Movement: I still feel little flutters.. but a lot of them! He was moving like crazy a couple days this week.
Showing: Well I finally remembered to take a picture this week, so you can see! I am showing in this one!
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Father's Day!!!

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