Sunday, July 21, 2013

25 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Zucchini!
How I'm feeling: Still feeling pretty good. The heartburn hasn't been so bad, but now I have a stuffy nose! I guess that is a pregnancy symptom.. weird. Still, I feel very lucky so I'm not complaining!
Sleeping: Murp.. not good this week either! I've tried sleeping with the pregnancy pillow and without, no luck. Maybe next week will be better!
Craving: Drumstick ice creams. Once I actually have one, the craving will be gone. I never want something more than once.
Missing: Doing whatever I want. Yes, I am back on this since the move. I can't lift much, I'm to afraid to get on the ladder to hang anything and most importantly.. I can't paint!  I just want to get stuff done, but it's not as important as this baby :)
Maternity clothes: Yes.. I need more work clothes. I am tired of wearing dresses!
Wedding ring: Not bad this week.
Movement: He is moving so much this week! Still, only I can feel it. I REALLY hope he flips soon.
Showing: yes :)
Signs of labor: Nope; but I signed up for the birthing and parenting classes this week! Starts in September. These months are flying by.
Looking forward to: My next appt. It's always so exciting seeing the progress from the last ultrasound.

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