Friday, July 12, 2013

21 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Carrot!
How I'm feeling: Still feeling pretty good. There's days that I'm tired, but I always have something to do! (which explains why I have not been up with the pictures) Father's day was great. I got a cute outfit for Jaxon and had Fiegel with the number 11 put on the back of the shirt for Gary. He loved it!
Sleeping: I'm actually sleeping really well. I'm getting a deeper sleep for some reason.. but I'm not complaining! Seems like the second trimester, sleeping on my back is what is most comfortable.. but now is the time I shouldn't be! I fall asleep on my side, but never fails, I wake up on my back. I realllyyy need to invest in a maternity pillow!
Craving: Nothing much.. I still prefer salty over sweet, but nothing in particular. I can't fit much in my belly most days, but it seems a couple days a week I can't get enough food! I figure those are the days he is growing the most :)
Missing: Mountain Dew! You know how you always want what you can't have? yea, that's it. I never drank a lot of it, but not being able to have it at all :/
Maternity clothes: Yessss.. Again, still some shorts I can fit in to that go under my belly
Wedding ring: fitting pretty good; I've laid off the salt!
Movement: Oh yes, when I'm going to sleep. It's actually pretty sweet having him as my last thought and feeling before falling asleep. This week I felt him "kick" a little harder.. right on my bladder! That seems to be his favorite right now!
Showing: Uh yes.. I swear I can tell in the morning when my belly grew overnight!
Signs of labor: No. 
Looking forward to: Count down to our new home has begun!

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