Sunday, July 21, 2013

24 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Grapefruit! Finally... I had time to take a picture! I can't make any promises for next week :)
How I'm feeling: Over the moon!! Gary felt the baby move for the first time! We also figured out why I am the only one that can feel him.. we went to the Dr. this week (normal visit) and the ultrasound showed he is breach (I was told this is totally normal for now) and facing me. His arms and legs are tucked. So the only movement on the outside is if he decides to elbow me! I feel him a lot, but that explains it.. He is kicking my insides!
Sleeping: I'm pretty sure I jinxed myself by saying how great it was last week. I haven't had to get up & pee much, but this week has been horrible!
Craving: Hmm.. still nothing really.
Missing: Uhh.. sleeping! lol
Maternity clothes: no going back now!
Wedding ring: This week had more tight days than any other week so far.
Movement: I feel him!
Showing: yes :)
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Unpacking more of our stuff! This has been a long process. And of course, I am so excited for Gary to feel him move more.

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