Monday, July 15, 2013

23 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Pomegranate! Sorry, not the best picture. We are moving this week, so hopefully I can finally take pictures of my belly soon! Before, I didn't think there would be much change week to week.. but now I definitely think you can see day to day progress!
How I'm feeling: Great! We closed on our house!!! I must say, I am so tired though, but I'm pretty sure it's because we are staying up late unpacking. I still have not found a comfortable pair of sandals, so my feet are pretty much about to fall off :/ And heartburn, oh my!
Sleeping: Ohhh how I have missed our own bed! Sleeping on our mattress has been wonderful. add in my new pillow... now we're talkin! I don't want to get out of bed.
Craving: Edos! But we went for dinner.. so I'm good now :)
Missing: I'm so distracted by our awesome house.. that I don't have any complaints!!
Maternity clothes: I got some new clothes at Old Navy this week. I was convinced that I could stay in my clothes.. nope :)
Wedding ring: Pretty good.
Movement: Oh yes.. Still very faint, but laying down is always better to feel him.
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: No..
Looking forward to: Getting settled in our home!

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