Thursday, July 11, 2013

19 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Mango!
How I'm feeling: Although I love being pregnant, watching everything I do and being mindful of EVERYTHING.. is hard sometimes. It has been especially difficult lately with packing and moving and not being able to help or move what I want!
Sleeping: Pretty darn good actually. We were expecting to move last week, so everything is out of the house except our bed. We moved the bed to the living room!! It's kinda like camping lol
Craving: Nothing much still.. I feel bad, I feel like I should have cool stories of pickles & ice cream or something! Even the salt craving has left. Maybe my body needed some Iodine?? Haha, who knows!
Missing: Lifting weights! I know, I know... I still can, but I am scared! I have been walking, but I started Les Mills Body Combat before I got pregnant.. I miss the really hard workouts and being out of breath from hard work, not taking 2 steps out the door :)
Maternity clothes: Pretty much. I can still fit in all of my shirts and any low rise pants, but I think after this week I have to hang up the work pants as well.
Wedding ring: I have my days lol, but it hasn't been to bad. Still fits!
Movement: I definitely feel him a lot more, but it is still very faint. (is that the right word?? idk lol)
Showing: I definitely think so, but I still don't get any comments. I guess I'm still at the stage where I'm not showing enough for it to be appropriate to ask.
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: We are now at Gary's parent's house for a few weeks until we can close on our new house.. so I am looking forward to taking a break from the craziness of moving and relax for a while. I guess it's the calm before the storm!

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