Wednesday, June 26, 2013

18 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Bell pepper.. crazy right? Don't make fun of my drawing, this was a hard one!
How I'm feeling: Still really good! The closing for Gary's house got pushed back a week, but at least we get one more week in our house :)
Sleeping: It's improving; but with all of the craziness, I think it's not as great as it should be!
Craving: I've always had crazy cravings before I was pregnant, so nothing is really standing out. But it's still weird that I am loving salt. Normally I can't even cook with salt because it's too much!
Missing: I must say, I am somewhat missing the social part. I can of course still go places, but it's not the same. I never drank much to begin with, but being around others who are drinking is weird.
Maternity clothes: Still pretty much the same; some here and there. I'm not gaining a ton of weight, so I guess I'm pretty lucky!
Wedding ring: Most days it fits fine, but I did have a snug day.
Movement: Little flutters! I still forget for just a second what they are and think my stomach feels weird! and then I realize...there's a baby in there haha!
Showing: Still just a small bump. Most days I just look like I have a beer belly.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Selling my house next week! Staying at Greg & Alyssa's apartment with a BEAUTIFUL view and the Dade City animal tour!! Next week will be busy (as usual)

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