Tuesday, June 25, 2013

17 weeks

Baby is the size of an: Onion
How I'm feeling: Still pretty good; I am not looking forward to moving out of our home, but still happy that we finally sold it.
Sleeping: It's getting better!
Craving: Nothing much, I'm still leaning toward the salty stuff though. Sweets haven't been to appealing.
Missing: Doing whatever I want; forgetting that I'm pregnant and having to slow down and take breaks...
Maternity clothes: They are definitely more comfortable to wear. I still fit in to my regular clothes, but Fridays at work I wear my maternity jeans.
Wedding ring: Still fits! It's a little tight at times, but I'm assuming it's because of the salt. and maybe because it is so hot outside!
Movement: Not much since last week; although last week it was just a faint flutter (still awesome). Hopefully he will make more of an appearance soon!
Showing: I would say so. It still just depends on what clothes I am wearing. Fridays I do when I wear the maternity jeans. They seem to shape the belly a little more.
Signs of labor: Oh no.
Looking forward to: My appt this week!

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