Tuesday, June 11, 2013

14 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Nectarine.
How I'm feeling: Fantastic! We just found out we're having a boy! I've got some energy back, so I'm trying to take Brody on walks again. I still can't seem to exercise though :(
Sleeping: Still ok; I have to pee 10 times a night, which does not make me a very happy camper in the morning (especially when Gary has to get up before me & wakes me up 20 minutes before my alarm!) We all know that is the worst haha.
Craving: V8 has been my drink of choice this week. love. the. SALT! I know, I know.. it's so bad! I used to love ice cream, now I don't even think about it.
Missing: Not much, just enjoying getting some energy back!
Maternity clothes: Just my mom jeans! I'm still fitting in one pair low rise jeans!
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: I think it is more noticeable this week. But it also depends on what I'm wearing. I still just look like I ate a lot!
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Selling my house! It should be under contract next week. Of course, seeing this baby of ours at the next ultrasound!

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