Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 14 ultrasound-It's a BOY!!

It's a boy, It's a boy!! I'm sure Gary wants me to say it one more time :) We got so lucky this week. I had an appt for something else, but took Gary because I knew I would have an ultrasound. Luckily, I have a very inquisitive husband who asked right away. She was able to tell 100% that it was a boy! I'm sure you can imagine how proud that made Gary, if you know what I mean :) We decided to do a small "gender reveal" party at Joto's Pizza with our family and closest friends. My mom had the cute idea of bringing a small gift to say what everyone thought it was. So, anyone that knows us, knows we decided on the name Jaxon well over 2 years. (yes, before a baby was ever in the works!) So... everyone, Meet Jaxon Lee Fiegel :))

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