Thursday, June 6, 2013

12 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Lime!

How I'm feeling: I am so grateful and feel so lucky that I have had it this easy; only a few headaches, nothing to even complain about.
Sleeping: Ahh I guess I am kissing those good nights of sleep goodbye. I was never a heavy sleeper, but getting up to pee every hour is really frustrating.
Craving: Still SALT! sorry little baby :/ But I am drinking lots of water!
Missing: Everything I've read that I shouldn't eat; feta cheese, queso, lunch meat, Mt. Dew, etc..
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but this bloating is not really going away, so probably soon!
Wedding ring: no problems.
Movement: Not yet!
Showing: A small pudge has made somewhat of an appearance.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: The ultrasound in a couple of days.

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