Thursday, June 6, 2013

11 Weeks


Baby is the size of a: Fig!
How I'm feeling: Still pretty good! Just a couple of headaches, but I get through them. No big deal.
Sleeping: I am starting to look in to those pregnancy pillows I've heard about! I need something to help support my back & knees.
Craving: Back to salty! Boars Head pickles from Publix are amazing.. don't worry, no ice cream with it!
Missing: Regular boobs :) Not to fond of the growing or soreness.
Maternity clothes: I bought my first maternity bra. I needed some extra support!
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: I can tell, but no one else can.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: Our apt next week.. we can finally tell everyone! We wanted to wait until 12 weeks to share the news with everyone.

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