Sunday, June 9, 2013

13 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Tangerine
How I'm feeling: Still feeling great! I've heard stories of crazy mood swings, but I feel like the same old me :)
Sleeping: Still.. just.. ok...
Craving: SALT
Missing: I forgot about Margaritas!! I can't wait to have a strawberry margarita.
Maternity clothes: I bought my first pair of maternity jeans this week!! bring on the mom jeans!
Wedding ring: Perfect.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: Haha somewhat. Just looks like I have a beer belly.
Signs of labor: Nooo
Looking forward to: Finding out what we are having next week!! (hopefully) All the test results came back perfect last week. So far, so good. Everything is going great!

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