Tuesday, June 11, 2013

16 Weeks

Baby is the size of an: Avocado
How I'm feeling: Good, just a crazy week. We are planning the big move. Gary's house is closing next week and we are having a yard sale this weekend. We want this stuff gone so we (meaning Gary :) don't have to move so much! I am so incredibly excited... we found another house!! We literally signed the papers on the realtor's car and put in an offer. The pool is huge!
Sleeping: Craaazzzyyy dreams! my oh my. But I'm still pretty darn uncomfortable. I keep thinking though, if this is all I am complaining about, I'm still a lucky momma to be.
Craving: Ohhhh, still salty stuff of course. But nothing in particular.
Missing: Nothing really bothered me this week. I still had sushi, but just the California role!
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my regular shorts, but jeans are definitely the mom jeans.
Terry took me shopping. I just can't justify spending so much on maternity, so we went to Stellie Bellies. I found a couple of cute things that will last me a while.
Wedding ring: Fits.
Movement: OMG OMG.. I felt him this week!!!! Wednesday, May 15th. I was sitting at work, everyone else was at lunch, it was really quiet and I felt a little flutter in my belly! I almost didn't realize it, it is just a little flutter like everyone explains it. But it was so amazing to know he is growing :)
Showing: At this point, yes. I still think if you didn't know me, I just look like I have a beer belly. But if I'm in a dress, you can somewhat tell. My mom suggested I wear the same shirt every time I take a picture to really show my progress. After much thought, I agreed. She's right! So it will be neat to see how it changes from month to month. Soon I will do week to week.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Ray's game with Alli and Kniff. Mother's day, moving and finding out if the seller accepted our offer!

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