Monday, August 12, 2013

28 Weeks

Baby is the size of : Lettuce! Not to bad on the picture this week huh?? My sugar test went great! I'm done with all of my tests for the rest of the pregnancy.
How I'm feeling: I have been bitter Betty this week! My back hurts so bad.. laying flat used to help, but not one single position is comfortable. Now, (I have no idea how to explain this to sound normal lol) my upper stomach muscles are burning! The Dr. says it's my muscles lifting. Who knew?!
Sleeping: Eh I've had better days. I just can't get comfortable. Add in that we desperately need a new bed.. it pretty much sucks :(
Craving: Nothing much this week.
Missing: Again, bitter Betty.. just feeling normal! I really shouldn't complain, for 7 months I have felt completely normal.. but this everywhere pain.. grrr
Maternity clothes: Nothing new this week.
Wedding ring: tight! I can still put it on though, so I'm good.
Movement: Oh yes! I just wish Gary could feel him more. I'm starting to think the baby is going to be stubborn : ) Every time I tell Gary to put his hands where I feel him moving, the baby stops moving!
Showing: Uh kinda lol
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Relaxing in the pool!

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