Thursday, September 19, 2013

34 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Canteloupe! Ok, I feel like this is going back to normal, at least I know what it is :)
How I'm feeling: Holy back pain this week!! Wow, I'm used to having back pain from a previous injury, but apparently with this hormone called Relaxin, it "relaxes" everything to prepare for childbirth and causes back pain! (omg, I just wrote to prepare for child birth... it's so close) eeek!!
Sleeping: I swear I can write something one week and the next week it's like I jinx myself and it's total opposite. I still feel like I can't really complain, I'm only getting up to pee and it's only like once or twice a night. I hear of women that are up all night. My friend Alli is 3 weeks behind me and she randomly wakes up in the middle of the night (sorry gf :( But for the most part, I sleep pretty good. Jaxon is good to me, he doesn't wake me up from moving.
Missing: Wellll, this week I have discovered that I don't fit into any of my sneakers!!! So, I have to say, I miss my normal feet :(
Maternity clothes: Nothing new.
Wedding ring: I guess I have to officially say it does not fit. It is so hard to get on & off that I just have to keep it off :( I'm so sad, it feels weird not wearing it. I feel even more weird when Gary & I go out together and he has his wedding ring on & I don't. I'm a pregnant woman walking around with a married man! lol
Movement: Oh yes, he seems to love my ribs these days. I have to lean back to sit comfortably. That makes sense though, since Gary & I are so tall, we probably have a long baby!
Showing: Yup.
Signs of labor: No labor, but Braxton Hicks started this week! I can only imagine what labor will be. These stop me in my tracks, but just for a split second. I can move through most of them. It's really just an uncomfortable feeling.
Looking forward to: The parenting class we are taking next week. I hope it will take some "fear of the unknown" feeling away. I'm excited to see how much I already know and how much I still have to learn!

The progress of Jaxon's room!!

So exciting, it's finally coming together!
 Gary & I made the wall decorations. He always has the best ideas! He decided to stagger them instead of a regular square and I love it!

 I am pretty proud of myself, I put together the small cubicle shelving!

Gary's grandfather made the wonderful wood letters! (He is so talented, I wish he would sell his work, but he just enjoys making different things) We painted them and they look perfect on the shelf! We are pretty much done with everything. I have a mirror to paint and hang, but other than that we are done!! We're ready now :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

33 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Durian! I had to put a question mark because I had no idea what that was! We had the hospital tour this week. It was neat, but don't get lost in there.. it is huge! I was more confused lol. It definitely made it more real: I slightly panicked :) The baby shower was also this week! Thank you to everyone that came and helped us celebrate!
How I'm feeling: You know those days when you just don't feel like taking a picture?? Yea, that was this picture. I waited until the very last day of my 33 week mark right before bed. I guess I have just been tired.
Sleeping: I have been sleeping pretty good. I rarely have to get up to pee in the middle of the night!
Craving: Nothing much- I still love watermelon!
Missing: I'm pretty content with everything these days. I will admit that I am getting a little sad when getting dressed some days. We have a wedding to go to soon and I am not looking forward to it! I have to find a flattering dress and so far, I have not had any luck :( I even tried on a black dress.. and almost cried! I feel good in form fitting tank tops and shorts though, it at least shows that I am pregnant and not round!
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. I feel like it is silly to spend the money at this point.
Wedding ring: Most days I can get it on in the afternoon, but with this heat it doesn't want to come off! I've been keeping it off on the weekends, but it just feels weird to not wear it.
Movement: Oh YES! He has been going crazy in there! He had his first "hiccups" this week! I've always read about them, but he never had them until now. It was pretty cool, my belly just jumped a lot. I feel a lot of rolls in my belly, I just wish I knew what body part it is that I am feeling. The last appointment the Dr. said he was head down, so I can assume a little bit.
Showing: yes!
Signs of labor: Nope! A LOT of back pain though. I cannot believe I am already 33 weeks. I want him to come early, just not this early!
Looking forward to: Finishing his room. I will post some pictures soon. Gary has been working so hard to get it done :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

32 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Bok Choy! crazier every week. It's fun though. I packed some things in my hospital bag! I'm going to wait until after the baby shower to see what I get. I've heard things like nipple cream will come in handy! lol. I did my first load of baby clothes! It was a very sweet moment for me. I'm sure I've washed Lauren's clothes as a baby, but I don't remember it. They are so small <3We also found a few more things for Jaxon's room! It's all coming together and so very exciting. We even found paint for his room! Gary has been a HUGE help with everything. He even walked through Michaels with me and picked out a few things I've been looking for!!
How I'm feeling: I feel good this week too! I haven't been too tired. I REALLY need to find the time (& energy some days) to start walking. I do my exercises in the pool, but I hear walking is really good.
Sleeping: really good. I'm nervous to keep saying that I'm sleeping so good, I don't want to jinx it! I still have a few nights that I'm up all night. But that is normal for me. I'm actually sleeping better since I've been pregnant.
Craving: Ok, before anyone goes thinking anything crazy, let me tell you how AMAZING these chocolate cookie bars are. They are Weight Watchers brand, but Casey at work had me try one and boy was she right! They are soooo good. Plus I had a coupon, with a buy one get one deal.. who could pass that up??! So, even though they are Weight Watchers brand, I am not "watching my weight"
Missing: I really can't complain :) butttttt, maybe shaving?? lol
Maternity clothes: Nothing new.
Wedding ring: Still forcing it on my fingers lol, but it fits! It's not as bad as last week.
Movement: He slowed down a bit this week, but I was super busy this weekend, so that could just be me. We got a new vanity for the bathroom (new to us) wow what a difference it makes! I actually felt him moving when I was standing at one point though. I normally only feel him while resting. I'm just hoping all this "quietness" in my belly doesn't mean he's going to be a wild child!
Showing: Ohh yes.
Signs of labor: Not yet! ohh, but it is getting close! I've read a few stories lately of women delivering healthy babies at this week. I'm not ready yet!
Looking forward to: MY BABY SHOWER!!!!! So excited. The house is almost completely decorated!

31 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Pineapple! I'm still not quite sure how "they" determine these pictures? Weight maybe? The appointment went great. I am a little sad though, no more ultrasounds :( It's good because I got "cervical clearance" and I don't have to worry about any issues, but bad because I got ultrasounds every two weeks! I asked if I would have any more and was told only if I go past my due date, even then they may not due one. But hey, at least I had a good 7 months of ultrasounds :)
How I'm feeling: feeling good. I really have no complaints (beside normal pregnancy complaints that Gary has to hear:)
Sleeping: Surprisingly, still really good! Maybe Jaxon just knows that I love my sleep and he wont mess with that! hahaha.. yes, I know, not going to happen.  
Craving: not really craving, but loving fruit! Still love the watermelon, but I haven't found a good one lately. Publix must be slackin on the sweet ones!
Missing: I must say, regular clothes. It seems as though there are these AMAZING deals going on and clothes are super cheap when I can't buy them! go figure :) I don't want to risk buying stuff not knowing when I will fit in them.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new, but I am noticing that the shirts I bought that were bigger and thought they would last me through the rest of my pregnancy are fitting pretty well (meaning, no room for growing) maybe the dryer shrunk them?!?!
Wedding ring: Still pretty snug, but I am still wearing it. When I'm at home I try to keep it off though, to give these sausages a break!
Movement: I can feel him all of the time.. I just wish he would make an appearance for everyone else!
Showing: I'd say so..
Signs of labor: No.. let's keep it that way for a while! I am all of a sudden panicking that time is just rushing by me and I feel like I have so much to do!
Looking forward to: 3 day weekend!