Wednesday, July 24, 2013

26 Weeks

Baby is the size of an: Eggplant! I am FINALLY caught up & on track with the blog. That's a pretty good eggplant, right? :) This was late last night, so excuse the crazy face.. I think that's the face of exhaustion lol. Oh & yes, this week the sexy maternity shorts made their debut!
How I'm feeling: Still feeling good. I've been a little more tired this week, but that's expected I guess.
Sleeping: It's ok .. not great, but not as bad as last week.
Craving: Mashed Potatoes!! I've had them 3 times this week!
Missing: pajama bottoms that fit :( even worse.. underwear! That's not something I put much thought in to. I guess this weekend will consist of work clothes & underwear shopping!
Maternity clothes: I need more!
Wedding ring: I had some tight days, but not too bad. It's definitely not as it used to be though.
Movement: He has been moving so much! but he is still tucked & facing me (if that makes sense) so no one else can feel him. I had an ultrasound this week..he is doing great! We couldn't get a good picture because he was moving so much!
Showing: oh yes.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: We got the baby's crib & dresser in! I'm looking forward to getting his room together.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

25 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Zucchini!
How I'm feeling: Still feeling pretty good. The heartburn hasn't been so bad, but now I have a stuffy nose! I guess that is a pregnancy symptom.. weird. Still, I feel very lucky so I'm not complaining!
Sleeping: Murp.. not good this week either! I've tried sleeping with the pregnancy pillow and without, no luck. Maybe next week will be better!
Craving: Drumstick ice creams. Once I actually have one, the craving will be gone. I never want something more than once.
Missing: Doing whatever I want. Yes, I am back on this since the move. I can't lift much, I'm to afraid to get on the ladder to hang anything and most importantly.. I can't paint!  I just want to get stuff done, but it's not as important as this baby :)
Maternity clothes: Yes.. I need more work clothes. I am tired of wearing dresses!
Wedding ring: Not bad this week.
Movement: He is moving so much this week! Still, only I can feel it. I REALLY hope he flips soon.
Showing: yes :)
Signs of labor: Nope; but I signed up for the birthing and parenting classes this week! Starts in September. These months are flying by.
Looking forward to: My next appt. It's always so exciting seeing the progress from the last ultrasound.

24 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Grapefruit! Finally... I had time to take a picture! I can't make any promises for next week :)
How I'm feeling: Over the moon!! Gary felt the baby move for the first time! We also figured out why I am the only one that can feel him.. we went to the Dr. this week (normal visit) and the ultrasound showed he is breach (I was told this is totally normal for now) and facing me. His arms and legs are tucked. So the only movement on the outside is if he decides to elbow me! I feel him a lot, but that explains it.. He is kicking my insides!
Sleeping: I'm pretty sure I jinxed myself by saying how great it was last week. I haven't had to get up & pee much, but this week has been horrible!
Craving: Hmm.. still nothing really.
Missing: Uhh.. sleeping! lol
Maternity clothes: no going back now!
Wedding ring: This week had more tight days than any other week so far.
Movement: I feel him!
Showing: yes :)
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Unpacking more of our stuff! This has been a long process. And of course, I am so excited for Gary to feel him move more.

Monday, July 15, 2013

23 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Pomegranate! Sorry, not the best picture. We are moving this week, so hopefully I can finally take pictures of my belly soon! Before, I didn't think there would be much change week to week.. but now I definitely think you can see day to day progress!
How I'm feeling: Great! We closed on our house!!! I must say, I am so tired though, but I'm pretty sure it's because we are staying up late unpacking. I still have not found a comfortable pair of sandals, so my feet are pretty much about to fall off :/ And heartburn, oh my!
Sleeping: Ohhh how I have missed our own bed! Sleeping on our mattress has been wonderful. add in my new pillow... now we're talkin! I don't want to get out of bed.
Craving: Edos! But we went for dinner.. so I'm good now :)
Missing: I'm so distracted by our awesome house.. that I don't have any complaints!!
Maternity clothes: I got some new clothes at Old Navy this week. I was convinced that I could stay in my clothes.. nope :)
Wedding ring: Pretty good.
Movement: Oh yes.. Still very faint, but laying down is always better to feel him.
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: No..
Looking forward to: Getting settled in our home!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

22 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Papaya!
How I'm feeling: Ahhh.. let the pregnancy complaints begin : ) My feet are killing me!! I will admit, this is my fault, I am not wearing the most comfortable shoes. I really need to make it a point to go shopping for a comfortable pair of shoes.
Sleeping: I FINALLY got a maternity pillow! Although I like sleeping on a flat pillow, everything else about this pillow makes up for it. I didn't realize how much of a difference it would make with my hips being supported!
Craving: Stilllllll nothing...
Missing: Who knew these few extra lbs would make such a difference.. I know, I know I'm making something beautiful (yada,yada) but I am definitely feeling it! AND I still have 3 months to go! Sooo, I am missing my normal weight.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes :))
Wedding ring: Still pretty good.
Movement: A little more this week <3
Showing: Not the best picture, but you can see I am definitely showing now!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Closing on our new home!!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

21 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Carrot!
How I'm feeling: Still feeling pretty good. There's days that I'm tired, but I always have something to do! (which explains why I have not been up with the pictures) Father's day was great. I got a cute outfit for Jaxon and had Fiegel with the number 11 put on the back of the shirt for Gary. He loved it!
Sleeping: I'm actually sleeping really well. I'm getting a deeper sleep for some reason.. but I'm not complaining! Seems like the second trimester, sleeping on my back is what is most comfortable.. but now is the time I shouldn't be! I fall asleep on my side, but never fails, I wake up on my back. I realllyyy need to invest in a maternity pillow!
Craving: Nothing much.. I still prefer salty over sweet, but nothing in particular. I can't fit much in my belly most days, but it seems a couple days a week I can't get enough food! I figure those are the days he is growing the most :)
Missing: Mountain Dew! You know how you always want what you can't have? yea, that's it. I never drank a lot of it, but not being able to have it at all :/
Maternity clothes: Yessss.. Again, still some shorts I can fit in to that go under my belly
Wedding ring: fitting pretty good; I've laid off the salt!
Movement: Oh yes, when I'm going to sleep. It's actually pretty sweet having him as my last thought and feeling before falling asleep. This week I felt him "kick" a little harder.. right on my bladder! That seems to be his favorite right now!
Showing: Uh yes.. I swear I can tell in the morning when my belly grew overnight!
Signs of labor: No. 
Looking forward to: Count down to our new home has begun!

20 Week Ultrasound

I am so lucky to have so many ultrasound opportunities (but not so lucky, they're not the belly kind) The Dr's are taking precaution for other things.. but I get to see the baby every 2- 3 weeks! This one was, by far, the best one! I know they will only get better from here. Look at that big head! He was full of life for this one.. can you believe they can yawn in the belly? It's all new to me, so everything is so cool!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

20 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Banana!
How I'm feeling: Great! 5 months today! Can you believe it?? Omg, half way there!! We had the "anatomy" appointment today. It was incredible!! Every single sentence will probably have an exclamation point : ) We could see the eyes and mouth.. he yawned! His legs were over his head like a yoga pose. More importantly, everything went great. He is growing perfectly! Head circumference, spine & bone growth are right on point!
Sleeping: Surprisingly well for not being in  my own bed!
Craving: Terry made biscuits & gravy.. I realized that's what I've been missing in my life : )
Missing: Well, beside the biscuits lol.. still not much.
Maternity clothes: Officially in maternity clothes for work! I am holding on to one last pair of my normal jeans, but using the rubber band trick! Hey, they still fit!
Wedding ring: All good.
Movement: I still feel little flutters.. but a lot of them! He was moving like crazy a couple days this week.
Showing: Well I finally remembered to take a picture this week, so you can see! I am showing in this one!
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Father's Day!!!

19 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Mango!
How I'm feeling: Although I love being pregnant, watching everything I do and being mindful of EVERYTHING.. is hard sometimes. It has been especially difficult lately with packing and moving and not being able to help or move what I want!
Sleeping: Pretty darn good actually. We were expecting to move last week, so everything is out of the house except our bed. We moved the bed to the living room!! It's kinda like camping lol
Craving: Nothing much still.. I feel bad, I feel like I should have cool stories of pickles & ice cream or something! Even the salt craving has left. Maybe my body needed some Iodine?? Haha, who knows!
Missing: Lifting weights! I know, I know... I still can, but I am scared! I have been walking, but I started Les Mills Body Combat before I got pregnant.. I miss the really hard workouts and being out of breath from hard work, not taking 2 steps out the door :)
Maternity clothes: Pretty much. I can still fit in all of my shirts and any low rise pants, but I think after this week I have to hang up the work pants as well.
Wedding ring: I have my days lol, but it hasn't been to bad. Still fits!
Movement: I definitely feel him a lot more, but it is still very faint. (is that the right word?? idk lol)
Showing: I definitely think so, but I still don't get any comments. I guess I'm still at the stage where I'm not showing enough for it to be appropriate to ask.
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: We are now at Gary's parent's house for a few weeks until we can close on our new house.. so I am looking forward to taking a break from the craziness of moving and relax for a while. I guess it's the calm before the storm!