Wednesday, June 26, 2013

18 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Bell pepper.. crazy right? Don't make fun of my drawing, this was a hard one!
How I'm feeling: Still really good! The closing for Gary's house got pushed back a week, but at least we get one more week in our house :)
Sleeping: It's improving; but with all of the craziness, I think it's not as great as it should be!
Craving: I've always had crazy cravings before I was pregnant, so nothing is really standing out. But it's still weird that I am loving salt. Normally I can't even cook with salt because it's too much!
Missing: I must say, I am somewhat missing the social part. I can of course still go places, but it's not the same. I never drank much to begin with, but being around others who are drinking is weird.
Maternity clothes: Still pretty much the same; some here and there. I'm not gaining a ton of weight, so I guess I'm pretty lucky!
Wedding ring: Most days it fits fine, but I did have a snug day.
Movement: Little flutters! I still forget for just a second what they are and think my stomach feels weird! and then I realize...there's a baby in there haha!
Showing: Still just a small bump. Most days I just look like I have a beer belly.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Selling my house next week! Staying at Greg & Alyssa's apartment with a BEAUTIFUL view and the Dade City animal tour!! Next week will be busy (as usual)

17 week ultrasound

We are, yet again, in the middle of moving so I wasn't able to scan this one in. None the less, I wanted everyone to see his 17 week progress! Today was just a quick visit for me, but she was nice enough to still print an ultrasound picture. He's so cute already, isn't he?? :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

17 weeks

Baby is the size of an: Onion
How I'm feeling: Still pretty good; I am not looking forward to moving out of our home, but still happy that we finally sold it.
Sleeping: It's getting better!
Craving: Nothing much, I'm still leaning toward the salty stuff though. Sweets haven't been to appealing.
Missing: Doing whatever I want; forgetting that I'm pregnant and having to slow down and take breaks...
Maternity clothes: They are definitely more comfortable to wear. I still fit in to my regular clothes, but Fridays at work I wear my maternity jeans.
Wedding ring: Still fits! It's a little tight at times, but I'm assuming it's because of the salt. and maybe because it is so hot outside!
Movement: Not much since last week; although last week it was just a faint flutter (still awesome). Hopefully he will make more of an appearance soon!
Showing: I would say so. It still just depends on what clothes I am wearing. Fridays I do when I wear the maternity jeans. They seem to shape the belly a little more.
Signs of labor: Oh no.
Looking forward to: My appt this week!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

16 Weeks

Baby is the size of an: Avocado
How I'm feeling: Good, just a crazy week. We are planning the big move. Gary's house is closing next week and we are having a yard sale this weekend. We want this stuff gone so we (meaning Gary :) don't have to move so much! I am so incredibly excited... we found another house!! We literally signed the papers on the realtor's car and put in an offer. The pool is huge!
Sleeping: Craaazzzyyy dreams! my oh my. But I'm still pretty darn uncomfortable. I keep thinking though, if this is all I am complaining about, I'm still a lucky momma to be.
Craving: Ohhhh, still salty stuff of course. But nothing in particular.
Missing: Nothing really bothered me this week. I still had sushi, but just the California role!
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my regular shorts, but jeans are definitely the mom jeans.
Terry took me shopping. I just can't justify spending so much on maternity, so we went to Stellie Bellies. I found a couple of cute things that will last me a while.
Wedding ring: Fits.
Movement: OMG OMG.. I felt him this week!!!! Wednesday, May 15th. I was sitting at work, everyone else was at lunch, it was really quiet and I felt a little flutter in my belly! I almost didn't realize it, it is just a little flutter like everyone explains it. But it was so amazing to know he is growing :)
Showing: At this point, yes. I still think if you didn't know me, I just look like I have a beer belly. But if I'm in a dress, you can somewhat tell. My mom suggested I wear the same shirt every time I take a picture to really show my progress. After much thought, I agreed. She's right! So it will be neat to see how it changes from month to month. Soon I will do week to week.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Ray's game with Alli and Kniff. Mother's day, moving and finding out if the seller accepted our offer!

15 Weeks


Baby is the size of an:  Apple
How I'm feeling: Pretty good. (I signed the papers with the buyers for my house!) Every week is so different. Some days I get off of work and can't wait to crawl in bed, others I feel good and stay up with Gary.
Sleeping: This week suucckkks! My back is killing me. I can't seem to get comfortable. I keep saying I will look into those pregnancy pillows and never do. Maybe if I continue to be a zombie from no sleep, I will finally remember!
Craving: Not much of anything. People keep asking if I am having any weird cravings, but I'm not. I really think this is the best baby ever! I still don't have much of a desire for sweets. Oh and I now hate V8! I must have drank to many. It seems, if I'm hungry, food smells good. After I eat, the smell makes me want to barf. Needless to say, I haven't been cooking much!
Missing: This week, bleu cheese crumbles. I believe in "everything in moderation", but I am still to nervous to risk it.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes; if I want to be comfortable of course. I can still fit in other clothes, but when I sit: no fun. 
Wedding ring: perfect, as always. Ha, I'm sure I wont always be saying that!
Movement: Not yet, but I hear it will be soon.
Showing: Most definitely have a baby bump; but I'm assuming to a stranger it is not noticeable. (I probably look like I'm trying to fit in shirts one size to small lol) Right now I am only taking pictures every 4 weeks, but I will start to take pictures of myself every week at 20 or 21.
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Selling Gary's house this week! When both of our houses are sold we are free to buy a house together! This week we had to pull our contract on the house we had an offer on :( We found out the seller lied. So we will be able to start looking again soon. Also, we have Hailey's first birthday party this weekend!!

14 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Nectarine.
How I'm feeling: Fantastic! We just found out we're having a boy! I've got some energy back, so I'm trying to take Brody on walks again. I still can't seem to exercise though :(
Sleeping: Still ok; I have to pee 10 times a night, which does not make me a very happy camper in the morning (especially when Gary has to get up before me & wakes me up 20 minutes before my alarm!) We all know that is the worst haha.
Craving: V8 has been my drink of choice this week. love. the. SALT! I know, I know.. it's so bad! I used to love ice cream, now I don't even think about it.
Missing: Not much, just enjoying getting some energy back!
Maternity clothes: Just my mom jeans! I'm still fitting in one pair low rise jeans!
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: I think it is more noticeable this week. But it also depends on what I'm wearing. I still just look like I ate a lot!
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Selling my house! It should be under contract next week. Of course, seeing this baby of ours at the next ultrasound!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 14 ultrasound-It's a BOY!!

It's a boy, It's a boy!! I'm sure Gary wants me to say it one more time :) We got so lucky this week. I had an appt for something else, but took Gary because I knew I would have an ultrasound. Luckily, I have a very inquisitive husband who asked right away. She was able to tell 100% that it was a boy! I'm sure you can imagine how proud that made Gary, if you know what I mean :) We decided to do a small "gender reveal" party at Joto's Pizza with our family and closest friends. My mom had the cute idea of bringing a small gift to say what everyone thought it was. So, anyone that knows us, knows we decided on the name Jaxon well over 2 years. (yes, before a baby was ever in the works!) So... everyone, Meet Jaxon Lee Fiegel :))

13 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Tangerine
How I'm feeling: Still feeling great! I've heard stories of crazy mood swings, but I feel like the same old me :)
Sleeping: Still.. just.. ok...
Craving: SALT
Missing: I forgot about Margaritas!! I can't wait to have a strawberry margarita.
Maternity clothes: I bought my first pair of maternity jeans this week!! bring on the mom jeans!
Wedding ring: Perfect.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: Haha somewhat. Just looks like I have a beer belly.
Signs of labor: Nooo
Looking forward to: Finding out what we are having next week!! (hopefully) All the test results came back perfect last week. So far, so good. Everything is going great!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 12 ultrasound

WOW what a difference!! The first ultrasound was just a tiny spec; now you can see the nose, lips and chin! Such an amazing thing to think about, a tiny life is forming in my belly and it's my job to care for it. This is by far the best job I have ever had. This ultrasound made it a little more real for the both of us. (it still hasn't totally set in for us) We are over the moon right now. With my belly making a tiny appearance this week, it gets more and more exciting. This experience has been amazing so far and I couldn't share it with a better person. Gary cannot wait to be a dad! Everything is right on track with the baby. (It's) growing perfectly! NT test results to follow.

12 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Lime!

How I'm feeling: I am so grateful and feel so lucky that I have had it this easy; only a few headaches, nothing to even complain about.
Sleeping: Ahh I guess I am kissing those good nights of sleep goodbye. I was never a heavy sleeper, but getting up to pee every hour is really frustrating.
Craving: Still SALT! sorry little baby :/ But I am drinking lots of water!
Missing: Everything I've read that I shouldn't eat; feta cheese, queso, lunch meat, Mt. Dew, etc..
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but this bloating is not really going away, so probably soon!
Wedding ring: no problems.
Movement: Not yet!
Showing: A small pudge has made somewhat of an appearance.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: The ultrasound in a couple of days.

11 Weeks


Baby is the size of a: Fig!
How I'm feeling: Still pretty good! Just a couple of headaches, but I get through them. No big deal.
Sleeping: I am starting to look in to those pregnancy pillows I've heard about! I need something to help support my back & knees.
Craving: Back to salty! Boars Head pickles from Publix are amazing.. don't worry, no ice cream with it!
Missing: Regular boobs :) Not to fond of the growing or soreness.
Maternity clothes: I bought my first maternity bra. I needed some extra support!
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: I can tell, but no one else can.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: Our apt next week.. we can finally tell everyone! We wanted to wait until 12 weeks to share the news with everyone.

10 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Kumquat!

How I'm feeling: I don't want to jinx myself, but this baby has been so good to me. Still no sickness. Some smells make me nauseous, but rarely. I am to tired to do anything though!
Sleeping: This week has been a little difficult.
Craving: Anything cold and sweet! Lemon Italian ice has been my favorite this week.
Missing: I decided to try a decaf coffee... and didn't care for it! Pregnancy has definitely changed that.
Maternity clothes: Nope.
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: No, just bloated.
Signs of labor: No
Looking forward to: getting to the second trimester!

9 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Cherry!
How I'm feeling: Not much has changed, I am still just tired. I have to realize I am making a baby & need to relax! More naps in my future.
Sleeping: Still pretty good.
Craving: Anything salty! The thought of eating seafood makes me want to barf!
Missing: Still coffee.. just the smell & taste.. and caffeine.. so everything about it ;)
Maternity clothes: Not yet.
Wedding ring: No problems.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: No.
Signs of labor: No way
Looking forward to: This bloating to go away : (

8 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Raspberry

How I'm feeling: No morning sickness, but man am I tired!
Sleeping: good, but I always need more.
Craving: Nothing yet.
Missing: Coffee!
Maternity clothes: Not yet.
Wedding ring: fits perfectly.
Movement: too soon.
Showing: nope.
Signs of labor: No way.
Looking forward to: Next ultrasound.


We have had so much going on lately that I have not had time to start this blog; you will see that I am "catching up" by the post dates. I am going to try to get everything up tonight!

Baby Fiegel's first appearance!

8 week ultrasound
I'm feeling great, no complaints : )

We're having a baby!!

I am so happy to announce Gary and I are expecting a little nugget, due October 24, 2013. I am not very good at keeping everyone in the loop since my "pregnancy brain" is in full effect now, so I wanted to start this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on all of the exciting progress we will see in the future. Enjoy :)